Brian D. Earp, Ph.D.


My name is Brian. I'm a philosopher, cognitive scientist, and bioethicist based at the University of Oxford in England. From 2024, I will be based primarily at the National University of Singapore. I am a member of the UK Young Academy under the auspices of the British Academy and the Royal Society. 

I'm currently Associate Director of the Yale-Hastings Program in Ethics and Health Policy at Yale University and The Hastings Center, Senior Research Fellow in Moral Psychology in the Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford, and Co-Director of the Oxford Experimental Bioethics Lab.

From 2024, I will be a tenured Associate Professor of Biomedical Ethics within the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore, where I'll direct the international Oxford-NUS Centre for Neuroethics and Society. I will also be an Associate Professor of Philosophy at NUS by courtesy. I will also continue to direct HOPE: The Hub at Oxford for Psychedelic Ethics, in collaboration with Dr. David Yaden (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine), and other leading scholars. 

I am currently an Associate Editor of four professional journals: the Journal of Medical Ethics published by BMJ, Clinical Ethics (SAGE), Technology in Society (Elsevier), and IJIR, the sexual medicine journal of Nature. With Jonathan Lewis, I edit the Experimental Philosophy - Bioethics page at PhilPapers

I work on relational moral psychology, philosophy of technology; research ethics, reproducibility, and open science; ethics of AI and human enhancement; philosophy of love, sex and gender; bodily autonomy and integrity, and children's rights, among other areas. I helped to establish "experimental philosophical bioethics" (bioxphi) as an area of research.

My undergraduate degree was in cognitive science, from Yale University (2010), followed by a master's degree in psychological research methods from the University of Oxford (2011) and a second master's in the history and philosophy of science and medicine from the University of Cambridge (2014). My Ph.D. is in philosophy and psychology from Yale (2021). 

My first book is Love Drugs: The Chemical Future of Relationships (Stanford University Press, 2020, with Julian Savulescu), available in the UK as Love Is the Drug: The Chemical Future of Our Relationships (Manchester University Press, 2020).

My next books are Private: The Right to Genital Autonomy (Chicago University Press, under contract) and, with Katerina Jennings, a book on gender ethics for Polity Press (under contract).

With Clare Chambers and Lori Watson, I am also editor of The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Sex and Sexuality (Routledge, 2022).